Monday, August 30, 2010

The Time I Guessed Emmy Winners

Best Comedy - Nurse Jackie (because it's on showtime, and is in no way funny, so that must make it deep). Modern Family won, I'm ashamed that I can't even guess things remotely right anymore. You should probably take me out of your life.

Best Drama - Dexter (because it's on showtime, and Michael C. Hall just got over cancer.) Mad Men was the winner, I guess this also makes sense, since you know, only 45 - 60 year old men vote on the emmys.

Best Made for TV Movie - Temple Grandin (the only one I saw and frankly Claire Danes was mesmerizing in the last 13 minutes of it). YES!!!! 1/3. Let's get the ball rollin, as Robert Downey Jr says in Tropic Thunder, you never go full retard, and I suppose autistic people arent fully retarded.

Lead Actor in a Drama - (Michael C. Hall, see above). Shiiiiiiiit. I was this close to batting .500. Winner here was Bryan Cranston, who has somehow won every year his show has been on. I think Malcolm in the Middle really helped him, since it was such a TERRIBLE show, now that hes on a good show, people just say, "oh shit, I cant believe he can act."

Lead Actress in a Drama - Kyra Sedgewick from The Closer. I don't know why, because TNT plays the ads as regular programming? Yep. The ads convinced the voters that this middle aged woman in a show about...closing...? was the best actress on TV.

Best supporting Actor in a Drama - If this isn't Michael Emerson from Lost, I'll kill myself AGAIN. I love his beady eyes. I refuse to comment on this atrocity.

Best supporting Actress in a Drama - I've never seen any of these shows. I'll guess someone from the Good Wife. Blah. Again, it's weird that I watch 30 shows, yet I haven't seen any of these, I'm guessing "The Good Wife" isn't aimed at 25 year old single males. Just a hunch. BOOM. Close it out strong. 3/7. Although I kind of cheated by just grouping all the actresses on "The Good Wife" together, but so be it. It's my blog, my rules.

Make sure to come back next year, as we watch the cast of Glee collectively sweep the entire award show!

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