Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Failures of Pam Beasley

There is nothing as sad as Pam Beasley (unless you count writers who write about fictional characters). 

We were introduced to Pam nearly 8 years ago - the drab, every woman. Her romance with Jim was what drove The Office for the first 4 seasons. We had to have someone to root for and rooting for Michael and anyone would be like rooting for a kid to finally stop squeezing that toy Elmo so hard. 

Many Office fans suggest that they gave up on the show after Pam and Jim got together, citing a lack of driving force, when in reality The Office just stopped doing comedy after the Jim/Dwight cold open every week. People giving up after Jim and Pam seal the deal indicates that people actually care about these characters. This is understandable when it comes to Jim, he is the conscience of the show, the WTF? is happening when everything around him is literally falling apart. He also has this. 

With Pam Beasley-Halpert this reasoning is shady at best. Why do we like this character? No real human man would want to date Pam. Let us list the failures of Pam Beasley. 

1. Superiority Complex

While she was introduced as an every woman type character, she has increasingly become more self assured."Character development," you scream, inaccurately! She also seemed to have a nervous tick, and never wanted to cause trouble (including inviting awful people to her own wedding), until she started dating Jim and making Dwight piss in elevators. But where did she get the gaul to make up a job that didn't exist and lie about it for the next 3 seasons? Pam comes off as cold in the first few seasons, stuck in an awful relationship and refusing to do anything about it. There was nothing except for marriage that changed for her, but now, she sits on her throne, eye rolling her hours away next to her husband. 

2. Ambition

The superiority complex seems even stranger when you realize that she has failed at maybe everything she has ever done. In season 1 she notes "It's not every girl's dream to grow up and be a receptionist," a wildly accurate statement, that makes you feel for her. She had ambition at one point, she wanted to be an artist, but then she failed out of art school because "she didn't like flash," which is now nearly irrelevant. YOU DIDN'T NEED TO LEARN FLASH.  Pam leaves for love, but isn't this the exact advice we steer our friends away from? Don't quit your dream for a guy Pam! Why are we still rooting for this woman, and why do people claim the show gets worse after Pam gets happy? That means we too are happy for this pathetic character. 

She returns to Dunder Mifflin as receptionist, grows some balls to leave the company a season later and becomes an awful salesperson at the Michael Scott Paper company. She returns to Dunder Mifflin as an awful salesperson (at least she's consistent) and then makes up the Office Manager job as a weirdly written coup. 

Pam had a dream, gave up on it after things got rough, and has now resigned herself to lying her way through a dying company. She's definitely someone you bring home to mom!

3. Looks

Listen, I'm not going to harp on her looks that much, Jenna Fischer is attractive enough, but Pam was intentionally underdone in the first few seasons, before suddenly getting more beautiful and then getting pregnant and staying that way after the baby came out (I might pay for this line later in life). I'm just gonna say she is not hot enough to overlook every other negative attribute. 

4. Intangibles

If you were a guy looking to date Pam you do a quick recap. Is she nice? Not really, she's either a pushover that hates her job or someone who does not have patience for your shortcomings (Michael Scott, the guy at the Daycare center, EVERYONE). Is she pretty? Sort of, if she was really smart and kind and funny, sure you could lock it in. Is she smart? You probably have to answer no to this. She couldn't finish art school, her resume reads:


and basically stops there. Is she funny? She's thinks she is funny, that counts for something, I guess...

What this comes down to is Pam has never succeeded at anything, but still thinks she is better than everyone. Not only does she not do well at art school, sales or possibly reception (sometimes she lets it go to voicemail), but she quits all of those things, presumably because she doesn't have the will to overcome ineptitude. So here she is, resigned to a life at a paper company in a paperless world, based out of Scranton, PA, maybe the saddest place outside of the state of Florida. There is nothing as sad as this girl.


Anonymous said...

Man you hit the nail on the head. She goes around being unkind to coworkers and making fun of people (as if she has room to), snickering like a child, and tryin to dig up gossip on people. I don't like Jim either though, as he is the smart alec, slacker type that permeates society today (who also has a better than complex ). You just wanna slap both of them and yell who do you think you are, grow up!! Pam almost makes te show unbearable. She acts like others are pathetic and she is better when she is really pathetic

Anonymous said...

You can trash your "Pam is not hot enough" comment. She's hot.

Mandasdave said...

Shes not hot. Jenna fischer is mildly atrractive, but her character is not.

Anonymous said...

This "writer" is just another douchebag who's not nearly as clever as he imagines himself to be.

Cerebrlasassn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cerebrlasassn said...

It's BEESLY. FYI. At least learn to spell before you trash a character. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

The position is also called Office Administrator, and it is a position that existed but wasn't filled.

Anonymous said...

agreed. pam is a cunt that ruined the programme - jenna fischer has no talent whatsoever - she would be a whore/waitress if she wasn't lucky with this show. she ruins the last few seasons with her bullshit

Cerebrlasassn said...

Years of season renewals despite bad acting and bad characters. Yea sure thing. Cause that would make sense keeping bad actors on a show and renewing it every year. Uh huh.

logical said...

Lol haterz...jus don't watch the show

Anonymous said...

Especially in the later seasons like season 9 I find her relationship with and towards Jim absolutely appalling. Jim is giving up his dream job and she is STILL unhappy and making everything about her. He hangs up a work phone call because she asks him to and she gets angry at him for that? Pam is a conniving know-it-all bitch iwth a major superiority complex and she needs to be taken down a notch or 6. Dear office writers, make a Se 10 Ep 1- The death of Pam Beesly.

Cerebrlasassn said...

Season 10. Lmao. Hope that was a joke

Anonymous said...

It clearly was just a joke bro... obviously there's no season 10 being made

Cerebrlasassn said...

Ya think

Cerebrlasassn said...

Are you fu*kin serious right now. Where do people come up with this ignorant crap. And why are you posting it on this page. This makes absolutely no sense.

Anonymous said...

very nice post.
also, speaking as a guy, she is not hot at all.

Cerebrlasassn said...

Yeah I will say that they purposely made her not hot for the show... But I think she's a pretty good lookin lady :).. But then it's Pam we're talking about I guess.. Not Jenna Fischer...

Anonymous said...

Pam single-cuntedly ruined the latter seasons of The Office for many people. Her whole clicky smile 'I'm laughing behind my hand at the world' bs got old super quick. There is nothing wrong with her character becoming more assertive or more 'attractive' (personally i think she's yuck-looking with jowls and cold eyes) but it's a shame the show's writers went out of their way to simultaneously infuse her with supreme cunty-ness and condescension. Michael made The Office great. Pam started out intriguing and sweet and fun to root for and turned into a moody, unfunny, syphilitic canker. End of story.

Anonymous said...

Pam's character is awful. She is a total loser that should have ended up alone, stewing in her annoying mediocrity.

Anonymous said...

Was just watching the show again and can't believe how much I hate this character. She was awful to people in an entitled way (not the obvious Angela way where it's just her nature). She might be the worst employee in the company, and seemed to think marrying Jim and being a mom gave her more ammunition to be entitled in her made-up position.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Pam sucks. She started out fine and became something horrible. At first she was mousey and lacking confidence, but a nice and caring person - someone you would maybe want to give a boost of encouragement and root for if you knew her in real life.
Then, as her character "developed", she became a snide, passive-aggressive bitch instead of a confident, assertive woman. I think most people wanted her and Jim to get together, but once they did, they both deteriorated. To make matters worse, they both became the classic examples of what NOT to be once you get married and have kids.

Anonymous said...

These are fictional characters. You people really have nothing better to do than plan a fictional characters death? As far as attacking her looks, only insecure people do that. Too bad people never mature. She's a great actress. Lets see you get up on screen and give a performance a tenth as good as hers. Jenna/Pam aren't the same person either. She acted what was written and she was written as a warm person. If you don't see that you are truly ignorant

Cerebrlasassn said...

Thank you^^!!! At least I'm not the only one that's not crazy! ITS A TV SHOW PEOPLE! Obviously none of you even watched the show... Give it a rest already ;)

huggins said...

Pam turned out to be selfish, she had zero confidence as an artist, so she quit. Then jim tries to start a business, to make sure they dont get trapped in dead end jobs, and the thanks he gets is her being a loser mom. Women who complain about kids being tough work arent doing the job right. Its really sickening to me, that the moment jim doesnt celebrate her, she goes into a downward spiral. Her mother was babysitting those kids all day, all pam had to do was feed her kids dinner and put them to bed, but noooo thats too tough! What a disgraceful character!

Anonymous said...

Shut up bitch this cow is a terrible actor and they should make an episode on season 10 where she is ran over and killed, if they make a season 10.

Anonymous said...

How old is this saggy prune anyway.
like 50?She definitely ruined the show for me, with her bitchy attitude. And dammn she whiter than a cum stain

Cerebrlasassn said...

yeah ok dude. 50. And a saggy prune. #trollinwitmyhomies

Cerebrlasassn said...

"Oh that's photoshop"... Uh huh.

Anonymous said...

The cunt still looks like a transvestite what are you talking about.

Cerebrlasassn said...

You're right... Anonymous.. Lol

Cerebrlasassn said...

She's 40 btw. Either 10 years younger Than you, #youmad or more likely, 26 years older. Only children say such ridicule sh*t from behind a screen. Or at least the equivalent anyway... Which is many people these days..But it's been fun. Nonetheless

Cerebrlasassn said...


Anonymous said...

Bro I can pull way hotter females than this trash and I'm 22 by the way. You're just a dumbass who's into trannys , fuck boy.

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't know real beauty. That bitch pam is Hamm. Rashida Jones is hella bommb. Now that is real talent.
You must be retarded or blind

Cerebrlasassn said...

I was implying that you're acting like a 12-year-old because you're trying to act like a badass on the Internet. #Allthecoolkidsaredoingit
But you clearly don't have the intellectual firepower to keep up and that was way over your head. having an opinion and thinking someone isn't hot is perfectly fine. But You don't have to be a dick about it. And shit this ain't even about her being hot have you even read any of it? Come on dude be real....
And you can troll and talk shit all day long #theinternet, all you want to but real talk if she ever approached you you know you fuck with her. Lyin if you say you won't. But that's assuming that this is a fake Internet badass persona you're trying to put on with the shit because anybody that acts that way aint get approached by anybody in real life. Bro.
Ps, last dude post knows what's up hahahaaaaa

Anonymous said...

Bro your wack. Point of the matter is she ain't even cute.
And she killed the whole show.

Cerebrlasassn said...

That's the most grown up thing you've said. With the exception of "whack" hahaha. You don't have to get all mad because you're acting like a kid with all that ridiculousness.. But whatever...
And even still *You're* wrong... Hot is debatable... Cute is a given... But to each his own... Whatever you feel like thinking.. That's all you.. But jumping on talking shit is just pointless... #movingon this was about the show and the character.. The smallest paragraph that barely exists, was about her looks... Completely irrelevant... But...
Later... Anon.. ;)

Anonymous said...


Cerebrlasassn said...

Cause she wrote the script. #seemslegit

Nareik Seob said...

I am SO GLAD you wrote this! SHE IS THE DEVIL IN A CARDIGAN. Seriously though anyone finding fault in this brilliant authors slight misspellings is just, to quote Pam B: "Grasping at straws." She makes a sound argument, it's all true and NO ONE LIKES PAM. Preach it!

Cerebrlasassn said...

No one... It was only on 9 seasons yup... Must be more of a Manhattan Love Story type.. That lasted lol. I just don't get it but to each his own I suppose hahaha... Devil is a bit much for an actor playing a part though. As it was scripted. Whatev.

Cerebrlasassn:LIAR said...

Cerebrlasassn, stop letting your boner for Jenna Fischer get in the way of your objective decision making skills. Disagree with us all you like, you are entitled to your own opinion. AS ARE WE. We came to this page because we wanted to trash a character who is absolutely terrible at being a mother, a wife, and an employee. I love this show. But her tendency to boss all of her loved ones around, lie her way to the top and be her own worst enemy has proven to be ENOUGH. All of these points were made very clear by the author, who has a sound argument. No matter how many fucking pictures you link to her whoring herself out for the camera WILL NOT change these peoples opinions. SO stop trying to use inane opinions as an argument. You want me to get mad at the writers? FINE. They ruined her, and the series. You are so cool throwing out your hashtags and calling people out for being "children" but you know what? CHILDREN wouldn't pick up on this kinda shit. CHILDREN wouldn't get so worked up by her insensitivity. And CHILDREN wouldn't have watched this show enough to even NOTICE. YOU are the cunt here. For coming to a forum where everyone agrees with one another and spreading your motherfucking opinion. Go find a "The Achievements of Pam Beesly" page and have your fun. BUT LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE. If we think she is a bitch, you ain't gonna change our minds. If WE think she is ugly, you ain't gonna change our minds. No matter how persistent, eloquent, or devious you may be. ENOUGH.

DoOrDie said...

It could argued, Cerebrlasassn, that you are the one with nothing better to do than lurk around a blogpost only to discredit everyones opinions with your own, contrived one. I think the jury has spoken.

NARDDOG said...

Anyone who makes as many ILLEGAL decisions as pam deserves to be killed off. She is a mother! Who defrauded the company by making a position with a salary, all because she SUCKS at the job she stuck her neck out to get. Should she be rewarded for being impulsively stupid? For walking out on a steady job, coercing her way back into it, and only THEN realizing she is an idiot? THINK OF YOUR KIDS. Oh wait, her mom takes care of them all day. That's right.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone even bother defending her? Cerebrlasassn you say we're stupid for attacking a character the writers created. But Why? Why do you care so much? You'll never get to sleep with her no matter how hard you try and defend her honor. Can't you let these people voice their anger at this bitch? Or would you rather we trash you instead?

%$&* said...


Anonymous said...

Pam absolutely ruined the show. I can't stand episodes that center around her. I literally have to skip them they are so painful. and FUCK YOU IF YOU TELL ME I AM TAKING IT TOO SERIOUSLY. I am different from you. Accept that and you'll be on your way to coexisting much more comfortably than you would have been before. The writers took a real shit on her. Not a thing can be done to help it now.

Nareik Seob said...

I'd just like to thank the author for making this to begin with. I'd also like to give a shout out to Cerebrlasassn: TAKE YOUR CRUSH ELSEWHERE. EVERYONE HERE HATES PAM. STOP RUINING OUR LIVES WITH YOUR PRESENCE.

Anonymous said...

I am all for a holiday special that kills off Pam. She is an entitled, fugly, cunt who somehow got it in her head that she deserves to be such a bitch. NEWS FLASH: Being hot doesn't mean you can just have anything you want. For fucks sake Jim you should have dumped her sorry ass when she refused to make any sacrifices for you despite everything you gave up for her. The writers only made her swallow her pride on the last episode because of all the death threats they were receiving. Could they have waited any longer? Pam needs to get a serious reality check. BIYOTCH

Anonymous said...

Cerebrlasassn: I think makes it pretty clear what I think of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna write Jenna Fischer a letter from her BIGGEST fan! Cerebrlasassn! Anyone who is blind enough to overlook all of these flaws in the show alone, well they deserve to rot in hell with that CumGuzzlingThunderCunt. Happy endings you bastard.

cogNOTive said...


Anonymous said...

Cerebrlasassn where do you get off doing all this? You have no fucking life. How often do you come to this specific page to defy someone else's opinion? Only people with that much free time are 12 year olds. Course you're too quick to accuse to be that young. How's unemployment doing ya TWAT?


Cerebrlasassn is the kinda guy that has "self-diagnosed claustrophobia". You are a disgrace. Stop trying to change peoples minds. Go Jack off to some more pics of that hoe bag you slime.

Anonymous said...


SwarlsBarkley42 said...

Can we all agree on just one thing? Cererbrlasassn is the biggest fucking troll on this blogpost. I mean, how many times a day do you check this page to make sure you've added your two cents? Seeing as this horny ass motherfucker has a comment for almost EVERY FUCKING POST, I'd say we have ourselves a colossal time-waster, ladies and gentlemen. (And yes, that is in reference to your smart-assed remarks towards people that posted a comment or two, and then LEFT IT THE FUCK ALONE.) If you're so butthurt over this post, GO MAKE A HALF-ASSED FORUM OF YOUR OWN out of all the contradicting, and hypocritical comments you've invited yourself to post here. GTFO already.

Cerebrlasassn said...

LMMFAO ever heard of emails buddy. Maybe you're new to this internet thing. No one else get updates because they post anonymously. Pretty sure when people cuss and talk shit randomly for no reason, that that is trolling. This is all very entertaining. Such fun..

Cerebrlasassn said...

One more time for old times sake... And people who don't know what Nielsen is. 9 seasons. Have a nice day. :D

Cerebrlasassn said...

Wow haha.. Finally read all those... Who's trying to force opinions? Yeah that just me lmmfao. You people are all so sensitive. There are way hotter women than her. No disagreement. But trashing a persons looks is just stupid. Who cares either way really. And as FO my employment status. I don't think I'd have Internet if I were unemployed hahaha. Hilarious. All these comments getting all worked up over little old me? How flattering! I'm glad I could give you all some entertainment even if for just a second. That is one thing I do for a living after all... Hence the ability to post this via the Internet that I pay for with money from said work, among other thing I also am able to pay for... Just imagine it! So unbelievable! Wow! Or maybe I'm just a ! Yup that's the one! Jeez come on people hahaha... Wait I gotta go take car of my boner. Please excuse...

Anonymous said...

cerebrlasassn is one of the biggest idiots on internet, i'm reading the comments to see how others share my same opinions, and this as**ole is either blabbing about some nonsense or correcting a word from someone's comment, this guy is just so fucking pathetic get a life moron nobody cares about your stupid comments nobody even comes back to check . you mean nothing to anybody and you will always be nothing untill you get a life

Anonymous said...

I happened to come across this during a search, and I would like to say: Well done getting on the sixth page of a Google search (no sarcasm), but what a terribly written piece with very poor logic.

Anonymous said...

you dummy

Anonymous said...

you are obviously a faggot, i can talk to animals

Unknown said...

You guys are absolute idiots. Pam is a great character and i would date her any time. Jenna and Pam in the show are incredibly hot.

You are just nitpicking, and btw, the only one behaving egoistic in season 9 was jim towards HER.

I dont know what u guys smoked, but it isnt good for u

C. Hodge said...

OMG Thank God. I thought I was the only one. And I dont see much difference between Jenna Fisher and Pam, lol. She always plays her own annoying self and I honestly dont understand how she gets work. Watching her performances leaves me feeling the same way I do after being served plain oatmeal for breakfast. Plain oatmeal served room temperature. Sure I didnt starve but...........

C. Hodge said...

Thats the the show. She is the Hell we all have to live with, lol. Gotta take the good with the bad.

C. Hodge said...

In Seasons 6 and 7 it was obvious baby CiCi didnt even like her, lol. Maybe I'm taking it a little far.

C. Hodge said...


Alexander said...

Who are you talking to? Learn how to internet.

Alexander said...

She is a deceptive cheating self serving cunt. She got to go to art school for half a year and Jim stood by her and encouraged her to persue her dreams. Flash forward a couple years and Jim is obviously horribly depressed with his job and she is so selfish that she thinks that it's because the relationship is boring him. She can't even empathize with his feelings because she is really that self centered. And to make matters worse when Jim lands his dream job by some kind of divine luck she forces him to quit by threatening to CHEAT on him. He was only gone half the week for a couple months and beasley is already sniffing the camera man's junk. Pam is about pam.

Alexander said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alexander said...

You are such a pam.. but seriously though you have to love the hypocrisy of posts like this. You criticize us for having the time to make fun of an annoying character from a show we all love, but you somehow find the time to criticize us for criticizing. Do you know how utterly typical you are? You sound like the same generic brand of cold oatmeal that pam is

C. Hodge said...

I'm talking to whoever reads it.

Anonymous said...

id love to date pam its the only reason i even found this thread

Anonymous said...

ALRIGHT - I have watched every episode of the office multiple times at this point so I think I can do a pretty good assessment.
Pam is a good character in the beginning, and in the later episodes she serves as one of the voices of reason in The Office. Having the "normal" people like Jim, Pam, Oscar, Phyllis... Stanley? helps to balance the absolute madness so it's just not entirely a shitshow. She's important or else it'd be too much unrealistic ridiculousness.
I think what makes Pam annoying is her relationship with Jim.
I love Jim and Pam but at the same time, as everyone said, she didn't finish art school because of him and ALL OF US were mad when Pam made Jim stay in Scranton. That was the worst. They both restricted each other and it hindered character development. I guess they had to write a way to keep them within The Office but I really wish Pam could have gotten more powerful. She had misplaced cockiness, as people pointed out. Jim was a top salesman, Oscar was an accountant - pretty respectable, both were cocky. Pam didn't really have anything to be cocky about. But they kept her demure and out of power, and to top it off, ended it with her being selfish.
Pam is good as a voice of reason. I like Pam + Michael A LOT, they had a great dynamic and were fun to watch. I love Pam + Jim, but their relationship was not written as well as it could have been, and it hindered development and made everyone resent her, especially towards the end.

Pam was written mediocre and then they didn't let her develop. Gave her Jim, gave her babies, didn't let her grow tho.

I'm bored and can't sleep so don't go off on me for writing something so long.

Anonymous said...

I think she didn't art school because she wasn't into digital art and that was what the art school was mainly teaching.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the reason she didnt persue art school is because she is afraid of success. Like alot of us. Just a thought. Same reason she stuck it out with her ex for so long when she knew she didnt really love him.

Anonymous said...

All your hater posts are proof that none of you are any better than Pam. Perhaps that explains all the hostility, lol. Just a thought....I mean fact.

Anonymous said...

Your basically clones of her. Its not that hard to figure out. Geez.

Unknown said...

Jim and Pam are the few with decent heads on their shoulders during the seasons...they make the show because they are the intelligent ones making fun of the dumbasses...imigine if everyone was smart? That means no show. You people hating, are as smart as kevin. Fuckin retarded! This show did great for a reason! As far as pam sucking compared to Jim is just symbolizing how much women suck compared to men. I'd take Pam over any cunt blogging about her any day of the week. SCREW YOU HATERS! THE SHOW WAS EPIC

Anonymous said...

Well then unknown.....what do you think of Angela? Meredith? Jan? Lol. Would love to hear all about it.

Anonymous said...

So I've been binge watching The Office on Netflix and in the "business trip" episode I wondered why Pam never completed art school? I have to agree with most of your statement I don't hate the character but would've liked to see her excel at something outside of her relationship with Jim.

Anonymous said...

Jenna F. is also 4 years older than John K. and it show a lot in the later seasons, specially after her real pregnancy. They should keep that on mind when casting, sadly white women age faster... and the very worst was when Pam she got lice and dressed like a hobo, when Jim was gone she could even put trash on the container, that episode made me feel even more sad for Jenna F. than for the character Pam.

Unknown said...

I hated Pam throughout the series.
In the beginning she came off as really uptight and judgmental, and she made it impossible for me to sympathize with her Roy situation. Honestly, I wouldn't fucking marry her either.
Then toward the end of the show, the only thing that changed was her confidence. To make matters worse, basically the entire end of the series revolved around Pam and Jim. Serious fucking overkill.
Most of the problems they were in were problems SHE instigated anyway. I hated them as a couple, I hated Pam as a person. Gag, gag, gag.

_Crystal_ said...

No way. There is no such position in the entire universe. And, why couldn't the receptionist also be the administrator?

Ethan said... Pam is gorgeous. She exudes a flirtatious ebullience that would make even the most self-professing "player" dream of monogamy. She's sweet, and totally attractive to just about every person I know who likes the Office. There are a couple episodes where she goes on a bit of a "personal power" trip, but all in all, I think that's just because there's a bit of insecurity there naturally...which again, makes the character compelling. Jenna Fischer is a marvelous actress, and to be totally honest, Pam is one of my favourite characters.

Anonymous said...

She is pretty.....I mean gorgeous. And all the Pan bashing is getting old. There is obviously something about her because people can't stop talking about her, LOL.

Joseph said...

Lol. I'm glad I stumbled across your sorry ass. Look at your behavior. Hiding behind the Internet to insult people for opinionating? They're doing the same thing as you except your opinions are just confusing? I feel like you don't even know what you're talking about. If you don't think Jenna Fischer is sexy as hell you must be into some awfully ugly women or if you are a women must be super insecure and jealous. You're trash "SwarlsBarkly"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making this. I need to go through this thoroughly.. I thought it was just me that saw this shitty being for being shitty.

Anonymous said...

This article is very offensive to me. Pam Beasely is the perfect representation of an average young women. Shes not supposed to be a supermodel shes not supposed to be perfect and nice. She is a normal human being with normal problems. You cant say everyone else is nice to each other either. She's probably the nicest one on the show when you compare her to everyone else. Your article is crap and innacurate. You missed the entire point of her character. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

@last anonymous: Maybe learn how to form actual arguments before insulting anyone else's post. clearly you relate to Pam's weak attitude but surely you can emulate her rationality too right?


only jealous, insecure, ugly people say that and surely you aren't? Better drop that thirst, Pam doesn't let desperate misogynists cry on her shoulder. ;)

@Unknown (aka Jake Lieske, aka not very "unknown", you dope):

"imigine if everyone was smart" Imagine* if you could spell and weren't a hysterical, tantrum-throwing 10-year-old boy sexually frustrated with women for finding him undesirable, judging by your laughable twitter nobody follows.

I like how it's never the particularly clever or rational crowd that overrated characters always attract. I love seeing the hysterics over fictional characters complete with fourth grade level name calling. HAHAHA! Drink the tears!

Unknown said...

I've watched it and completely agree with this blog.
It's our choice to talk about it if we want to, you know.

Unknown said...

Lol seriously thank you. Who gets this worked up over a tv show? Read a book people.

Djamila O. said...

Thankfully for her, she found another mediocre character to thrive with ;))

Djamila O. said...

Hehe I so totally agree with you. Just stopped watching after yet another excruciating moment of Pam. I'm on to season 6 where she is aggressively nagging at Mike for dating her mom. She acts entitled like a spoiled brat, is disrespectful and mediocre. I don't think jim is any better though, you typical easily manipulated mediocre guy. Those two are awful and I very much disliked them from the start.

Djamila O. said...

I would argue she is the type of girls that get on my nerves ( I'm a girl for the record and I don't identify with her at all). It's not a question of looks though. But rather here is a very bland girl who has little ambition, no talent and no desire to work hard to achieve the few dreams she has. As soon as she encounters failure, she whines about it. She relies on her boyfriend to provide for her instead of stepping up for herself and manipulates him time and time again for her own comfort. She is just mediocre - not very bright nor smart. Yes a lot of people are like that but guess what? A lot of people also understand that if you have little talent you should thrive to at least work hard to make up for it.
So all those traits makes her very unlikeable to me. A mediocre bland character with very little entertainment to bring to the table. There is not one single moment when I watched her and though "who ah. What a nice/sweet character". Countless times I just want to slap her in the face and kick her ass so that she would finally stand up for herself and what she wants. Annoying to no end.

Anonymous said...

Y'all salty asf

Lauren said...

I'm a long-running fan of the show and I do like Pam Halpert a lot, though I'd have to say I was really dissappointed seeing how her character was changing after the fifth or so season. The whole show itself, in my opinion, was outstanding in the first three seasons but started going downhill right about when character development had a new emphasis in seasons four and five onward. I started watching the show for a funny breath of fresh air, but it turned into an often heart-wrenching, emotional ride which didn't match up with the show's original satiric nature. I was particularly distraught when Michael left. Of course, you can't have such a long running show without character development, and I'm happy that the development happened, I'm just a little sad how the original show's twinkle was slowly lost over the years.
As for Pam herself, I absolutely loved her character in the beginning of the show. She was shy, but at the same time always surprised me with humor and occasional witty comments. I found her sweet. She got drunk at Chili's during the Dundees, and that was the first time I saw that she had a fun streak. That streak only seemed to grow as she spent more time with Jim. The blossoming romance between her and Jim was growing more and more passionate all the time, and I'm a sucker for good romances, especially between my favorite characters of a show. The emotions developing between them was a huge part of why I loved the show and stuck with it through some of the cringey episodes. Then, when the two finally got together, I was actually dissappointed. After all the drama and passion, they simply got together without any further hitches. Underwhelming.
As for her failing out of art school, I don't see her quitting classes to come back to Jim as a bad thing that showcases her quitting nature like everyone else seems to think. I'm an artist and I myself don't fancy graphic design either. I prefer traditional media, which I have only discovered because I've taken computer art classes before and just didn't like them.
I really started disliking Pam and Jim when they had their first baby and their lives became more boring and ho-hum. Jim is more serious and down-to-Earth. Though he does play pranks sometimes,it's not as much as before. I get that it's because he's growing up and becoming mature and whatnot, but I still didn't enjoy him as much. At least he kept his trademark sarcasm throughout most of the show. :)
Pam became more sure of herself, which I admire, but at the same time she did develop some entitled airs and bitchiness at times. I was really sad to see how bland her character was written after she had kids, but I guess everyone becomes a little less interesting outside their family after they have kids.
Altogether, the loss of fun and interesting stories between Jim and Pam turned me off towards the whole show for a while. The story writers tried to pull in another young blossoming romance between Andy and Erin, but I never really liked that development. But I'm glad I stuck around and watched the whole show. In the end it was pretty great. I'm also glad that I watched Parks and Recreation, because I was so happy to see the same people making a show that was a lot the same, but more polished and fun throughout all the seasons after their experience with the Office.
Side note: I'm sad to see so many people trashing Jenna's looks. Yes, they underplayed her appearances in the first few seasons on purpose, but later in the show she looked great! I'll admit, after Pam's second pregnancy the baby fat tacked on and looked a little bloated, but that's because she was actually pregnant in real life when those seasons were shot. Everyone reacts to pregnancy in different ways.
So thanks for reading my gigantic essay of a comment (if you made it this far)and listening to me rant about my opinions. I love this show!

Thisis30 said...

Wowww the jealousy runs rapent all over this thread. Women lets focus on ourselves and our success . True internal security and peace will stop such uglyness like this. Its poisen. I feel for you. Best of luck

Thisis30 said...

We can only hope you are a young child as the ignorance and sophmoric naivity in your post makes it completely void of any relevance

Thisis30 said...

Haaa. Google jenna fischer in lingerie. Girl is hot as sex itself. Its called a character , have some sense.

Thisis30 said...

There is a person here that said shut up bitch and would like to be taken seriously. Lmfao

Valarie said...

Ha! "The Failures of the Post's Author's Spelling!" Her name is spelled Beesly, not Beasely. And anyway, technically her last name is Halpert.

Anonymous said...

Because Erin sucks at her job.

Anonymous said...

Pam is a fucking loser.That's it! Also Jenna is such an BAD actor.I can't stand her mimics, her shy attidute, her fucking ugly smile.They' should have cast someone else

OfficeMinusPam said...

I enjoyed the show, but John's acting ability was so far above Jenna's. What turned me off was when I saw the SNL episode featuring Steve with some of the Office casts standing up in the audience. Jenna was a snide potty-mouth, referring to "Pam and Jeff or whatever his name was". That showed her arrogance, her disrespect for her coworker John, and jealousy of his achievements. The true Jenna screamed UGLY PERSON loud and clear. If there had been a reunion...they could have left her out anyway!

Anonymous said...

pam is a cunt. stopped watching the show after she created a job for herself that did not exist. She's an opportunist cunt.

Now Holly is adorable and they should have kept her. She was amazing.

Anonymous said...

Looked up jenna fischer in lingerie. She got some sweater meat, but she's kinda frumpy. Pass.

Anonymous said...

you guys are bullying this poor FICTIONAL character. Honestly you have to sink pretty low to write an entire article about an honestly great character. And you know why she's great? I'll answer: because she's better than you, and you, and you, and oh... ESPECIALLY you! Goodness. She's gorgeous too, especially on the inside in comparison to you. Her bland character is honestly what makes it so interesting. Well maybe she's not the best character in the world, but you guys trashing an amazing- again, FICTIONAL -character is EXTREMELY low, and salty, and just shows how insecure you have to be to dedicate an ENTIRE CRAPPY ARTICLE on how much you dislike this character. If you hate her so much, THEN DON'T WATCH IT. That is someone else's hard work. If you think it's so terrible then why don't you try and make something better because I'd like to see you TRY. And a GOOD DAY TO YOU KIND SIR(/woman [swear I'm not sexist, I'm female])

Anonymous said...

honestly thank you. She is seriously amazing. These people don't know how to appreciate.... fine art

Unknown said...

No? She's not. Let's tell the truth here and the only reason why men find her attractive.

Unknown said...


KathleenLaLa said...

So funny and true!

Anonymous said...

You sound bitter, take a nap incel.