Recently I've been going to Subway like a crazy person subjects himself to a 24 hour non stop loop of Pauly Shore movies. The reason? The scrabble game. Normally I don't bite into these type of games, but I got 2/3 pieces I needed to get a new car in the first 2 trips and even though the odds of finding the last one are probably similar to the chances that Jon Heder ever has another hit movie, I go because I like Subway (understatement) and I want a new car (you can never have too many hybrids).
The point of this story is that at the 3rd different Subway location I went to, the cashier had the eyebrow cuts. Now I've only ever seen these cuts on men that seem to be just gangsta enough to pull it on. I don't if they are a gang sign, or some sort of style icon and wikipedia has no answers. But this instance was different. Why? I'll tell you.
A) This person was neither man, woman nor beast. Because of their work attire I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. It's face was pulled so tightly back it looked a little like RuPaul.
B) It didn't have a few cuts on the end of the eyebrow, it's entire brow was cut into increasingly smaller segments (starting at the nose and moving out towards the temple). It looked like it woke up one day and said "You know what, I really think my face would look better if I had candy cane eyebrows.
Ummm, What the Fuck?
A) Rob Van Winkle fan
B) Too cheap/self-conscious for the teardrop tatts, but not self-conscious enough to murda.
C) All of the above.
I often eat at the Subway where Jared lost all the weight. It's here in Bloomington.
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