Monday, August 18, 2008

Ummm, WTF? #1

Normally, I don't write about things that happen at my "real" job, but this needs to be said. I was working Saturday morning and decided I needed some food. There are a few restaurants (one has $4 coffee) and a gift shop (which randomly makes up prices, depending on how much money you are holding in your hand). So I decide to go to the little cafe to get a bagel and apple juice.

What would you pay for this combo? $3? $3.43? $3.50!

How about $6.14? Does that sound like something you might be interested in? Well, at the largest convention center this side of DC, all this could be yours. (The best part was that the lady behind the counter was from some 3rd world country, where $6.14 could probably buy her a hotel or at least the sweatshop used to make the bagels (I'm assuming the bagels are made with plastic, in bulk, to cut down on costs)). So with bagels costing about $.05 each to make and say apple juice is around..... $.50. That means the hotel is buying this combo for $.55 which would make it a 1100% markup.

To make matters worse the bagel (with cream cheese) wasn't made FOR me (ie, she handed me a small cube of cream cheese) and the apple juice was approximately 3 oz (smaller than a juice box).

Ummm....What the fuck?

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