Wednesday, February 03, 2010

We're You Aware Of It?

All corporations use Tina Turner's "Simply the Best" for any sort of motivational speech, award ceremony or office birthday party. I believe I've narrowed down this down through 2 recent experiences.

First, at an award show for a medical technology company (yeah, real exciting) the VPs of the company literally spent an hour trying to find this song between their iPod and CD collections, before begging me to download the on my phone (and giving me a $1 in the process).

A few months later, as I'm setting up for a show for a realty company, they are blasting the terrible song and choreographing steps for the song (if you are trying to picture this - think a bunch of 46 year olds in suits who like look they are seizuring, but with smiles on their faces).

What possess corporations to play this song for their employees (hoping to ignite some sort of engineered company passion)? There is only one answer, these VPs were 25 when this song came out, this is the song that got them pumped as they were doing lines of coke off urinals while reciting lines from Less Than Zero (the book OR the movie). Never mind that the song is obviously about Tina Turner's songwriters' strong passion for their gay lovers (another recurring 80's theme, I've learned, is coked up homosexuality) it says "You're Simply the Best," which is enough to inspire employees (even though the next verse goes like this:)

Each time you leave me I start losing control
You're walking away with my heart and my soul
I can feel you even when I'm alone
Oh baby, don't let go

Pretty sure if a boss is trying to use a song to say that to an employee it's sexual harassment.

All this means is that in 20 years we will be playing the Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feeling" (aka worst song ever) to pump up our underlings, just because it has the line "I gotta feeling, tonight's gonna be a good good night."


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