Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Time I Left Behind A Dirty Apartment

WARNING: The following post will contain some image that have only one intention: to disturb small children and be the visual equivalent of the brown note. That being said, what you are about to see is the way my ex-roommate and I (more so him than me) left our old apartment in Carrboro, NC. I would suggest never living in apartment P-11 in the Colonial Village apartments there. (Also I'm way overblowing this, so don't be disappointed, just bask in my laziness). These pictures are about 3 months old, but when you are struggling for a blog post to "feed the beast" (Scott M you know what I speak of) a photo essay of a dirty apartment is an A+ option.

This was my room. When I originally left the apartment the room was empty. I had cleaned it and emptied it of all contents (including trash) however, my roommate still lived in the apartment for a month after I left and decided my room would be the "trash room." Items included an old Aerosmith poster from the 70's (gay much?) and some cardboard boxes. Also note that they used my closet for more clothing storage, despite the fact that they had a 5' x 5' walk in closet, oh the treasures you can find at a thrift store. Go Indie kids!

These are not pubic hairs from my toilet.

Ok, they MIGHT be, but they are mixed with some head hairs, considering Amelia cut my hair in this bathroom several times.

Would you like some trash before you come into the apartment? A hallway full of trash is always a welcome site to visitors.

This may be the grossest thing. I tried to clean this before I left and I think only half of it came off. My roommate was currently still cooking and preparing food on this counter. I wonder if the E. Coli got him...I haven't heard from him in months.

Is this a dead fish? No, no look closer. It's just a trash bag! Again, this kitchen was in use at this point. God knows how you use the trash compactor with a plastic bag in the way (oh wait, trash compactor broken.)

This is the living room (aka garbage room number 2). Items in this room include a leather chair ripped apart and put back together with duct tape and a non working dustbuster, obviously it broke itself because it was too afraid to touch the dirt in our house.

I did TRY to clean. The above picture is the way I left my bathroom, before exiting from this apartment forever. It doesn't complely look like a Gorilla took a shit and smeared it on the walls does it?

So that's my dirty apartment. Try to wipe up the vomit in your keyboards ( I recommend Q Tips and condensed air) and enjoy a chuckle on me with a new segment I am stealing from John Hodgeman.


I did NOT get back my security deposity. WERE YOU AWARE OF IT?

1 comment:

DashProblem said...

Nice with the Hodgman rip-off.

You should write for Good Housekeeping. Why?
1. You can write.
2. You keep a good house.