First, I have recently discovered the new facebook beacon application. THESE
are the basics of it. And I'll break it down even more. Facebook now has the ability to track your movements on its partners websites. For example I am a part of, so when i update my movie rental list, facebook will now post a news post in our mini feed about what movies I have updated.
Two things make this even worse - 1) You as a user do not have the ability to OPT-IN to this feature, its automatic and you can't stop it unless you have a keen eye for a little bubble that pops up for two seconds. 2) These sites are sending your information to facebook even if you aren't a facebook member.
Originally I wasn't scared, because I figured you would have to link your facebook account with an external site. I was wrong. IF you visit sites while you are logged into facebook (facebook mysteriously just added that always be logged in feature) it will automatically be able to connect your two accounts.
Remember when facebook added that mini-feed and everyone was like "oh my privacy." Well that was like getting peeped while you are in the changing room at JC Penney's this is like getting raped in Folsom State Prison while the guards watch and you are crying endlessly because you just want to be held. Why can't FACEBOOK HOLD YOU AFTER THEY RAPE YOU?
Some of the sites that are on right now are: (Bidding on a small size condoms? Now everyone on facebook can know!) (Just bought a Johnny Depp poster from Edward Scissorhands? I ALREADY KNEW THAT, KATE) (Bought only one movie ticket for Bee Movie when you are a 22 year old male?) (Rented HD porn?)
and more:
Additional websites and companies participating in Beacon at launch include, Blockbuster,, CBS Interactive ( & Dotspotter), ExpoTV, Gamefly, Hotwire, Joost, Kiva, Kongregate, LiveJournal, Live Nation, Mercantila, National Basketball Association,,, (RED), Redlight, SeamlessWeb, Sony Online Entertainment LLC, Sony Pictures, STA Travel, The Knot, TripAdvisor, Travel Ticker, TypePad, viagogo, Vox, Yelp, and
Finally, facebook is doing this to make money. It's a revolutionary way to collect information about users. Now facebook can tell its advertisers our users watch THIS movie the most, you should market to them.
I am also quite livid while listening to the G105 morning show Bob & The Showgram. Now this is your typical top-40 station (they play a timbaland song once every 10 minutes, or else Timbaland kills them), so I listen because in the morning its entertaining and a morning show host is essentially the best job ever.
So a top-40 station should have its finger on the pulse of pop-culture, including MUSIC. Right? RIGHT?
Today they introduced two topics that made me want to stab this morning show with a collective shiv (made from a bar of soap from my stay in prison). First they introduced the phenomenon that is 2 Girls 1 Cup, which made its debut on nearly 3 weeks ago ( and probably somewhere else before that). Now this video is disgusting (if you're not into to drinking your own feces) and has sparked an internet craze of people videotaping their reaction.
What makes this worse than a radio station not having its finger on the pulse is that they spent 15 minutes watching the clip and then clips of the reactions on their show this morning. Their radio show, which is just audio....Forgive me for not being entertained by Bob the racist nearly vomitting for 15 minutes.
After they took their 30th commercial break of the hour ( i forget to mention there were 8 breaks during the near vomitting sketch, they did their "Top 5 Songs You Should Download." First, I was very excited to learn that each of the 5 were not Daughtry songs (weren't Creed and Pearl Jam enough to last America for a century?) So they start going through the songs and at the end the main host ( a 50 something white male, clearly in touch with this music) says "Wow I've heard artists have started giving away music for free. Have you guys heard about this?"
They proceed to talk about how Prince did it (nearly 6 motnhs ago) and then one of the younger co-hosts (WHO IS A DJ AND NEEDS TO KNOW MUSIC) goes "Oh, I think some rock band or something just gave their album away online and let people pay whatever." ....
I'm sorry douchebag, are fucking kidding me? You can't remember Radiohead? Arguably the biggest band in the world that is still making music today? You can't remember when this only happened a month ago? What's that? You were too busy trying to give Daughty's roadie an HJ just to get a change to touch him? Ok understandable, Daughtry is quite the looker, but to not know the biggest rock band in the world when they JUST pulled of a publicity stunt that is going to change the face of music, when you work in THE MUSIC INDUSTRY, is not ok.
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