Monday - MLK Day
I woke up at 4:30 AM Monday and, in case you were wondering, Monday was a national Holiday and I dare anyone to wake up before 5 am on a national holiday and not want to immediately kill themselves. Why was I granted this honor, you ask? Well children, it's because I decided to blow my college degree and turn to forced manual labor instead! Thanks Elon!
Needless to say Monday was not a great day and the work basically continued from there until Friday, the first day I was actually able to do something that could even possibly be described as "fun" or "not sitting in a 4 hour meeting about brick laying."
Friday - Charlotte Bobcats
I had work at 6 AM friday, but this was good, as it allowed to me to get out early and go down to Charlotte to see my beloved Charlotte Bobcats versus the Phoenix Suns. 2 things were going to make this night awesome, the Bobcats jersey I got for Christmas from RJ, and the fact that it was NASCAR night at the arena. (For those of you not familiar with sporting events, I feel like having another sport night at a basketball arena is a fairly uncommon occurence. I can never imagine NASCAR having an NBA night and why not? Because NBA fans and NASCAR fans do NOT go well together. Would you have the Soul Train awards give a special presentation at the Country Music awards? No.) Needless to say, I had my fingers crossed that I would be involved in a second near-shooting in as many Friday nights.
On the way, RJ and I stopped at Friendly's to get Happy Endings and we were met by a waitress that was all kinds of confusing. I say this because her age was somewhere between 12 and 25. I would lean towards 12, but the 200 pounds hanging off of her bones would say otherwise . She acted like a 12 year old though, giving these weird scrunched up faces, looking off in other directions and all and all being too nice (meaning she obviously hasn't hit the mean streak of high school yet). It was weird for us, I had to literally bite my lip to keep from laughing anytime she spoke to us, that sounds mean, I know, but hey, she's gonna hit high school soon and will definitely be known as Libby the Lard or Tammy the Tank.
The game was awesome as the Bobcats blew out the Suns (unexpectedly) and the NASCAR fans packed the stadium (enough that RJ and I had to wait in line for 20 minutes to buy tickets and then, since we are pros, requested a specific section and row, at 2x the regular price, only to find when we got our tickets, they were in the exact corner of the stadium (worst seats in the house.)) As we went through security, we realized the wand lady was only wanding like...every 5 people. My hopes for that shooting were going up.
The climax of the night (for most fans) was the awarding of the NASCAR champ trophy to the champion, who apparently, was too busy to show up. Again, this is all confusing, I can't imagine the NFL giving out the Super Bowl trophy at the Golf Tournament down the street. Was this the real ceremony, or were they just repeating it for NASCAR fans' sake? If they were just repeating and they knew he wasn't showing up, what was the point of even repeating it? So many questions, none of them answered. This is not unusual for a Bobcats halftime show.
Saturday -
After getting home at midnight Friday night, I woke up at 5 am to work from 6 AM - 6 PM. I was really excited. I don't normally talk about things that happen at work, but I need to make an observation. Their was a soccer conference in this weekend. At this soccer conference, all the ADULTS were wearing ADIDAS track suits. Different colors, types, sizes (thank god), so they weren't a mandatory uniform. But this made me wonder, what other parent or adult wears like...athletic clothing to formal meetings. Can you imagine people walking around in football gear, trying to wedge themselves into seats? Why is this ok? It is fair to say I will never get that swooshing sound out of my head, as hundreds of parents walked with their parachute panted legs to close together. (My favorite part of this entire thing was working with this group's AV guy and watching him try to setup a projector, fully decked out in his soccer regalia. I'm sure the conversation went like this in his hotel room:)
Man: (putting on parachute outfit)
Wife (or life partner): Honey, it sounds like you are crinkling 50 plastic bags for fun, what are you doing?
Man: I'm putting on my uniform for work.
Wife: ...You are setting up a few projectors, don't you think jeans would be more appropriate?
Man: Honey, I'm doing MANUAL labor, I gotta be loose, gotta be able to move quickly.
Wife: Oh....ok. (Wife goes back to bed, her mind split between pondering a divorce and wondering if she could sew jeans onto his skin.)
Sunday -
The week ended on a high note when I delivered pizzas sunday night. I put in my two week notice and had 10 delivery's for the first time in weeks (normally, I walk out with about $8). I thought I was raking it in, but when it came time for me to cash out, it all went horribly wrong. I figured out I owed about $45 and I had about $80 in cash. Which means I had made $25, which is not terrible, per se, until I started adding it up. (Of course I didn't do this until I got home, which was too late). But here's how I know I either physically lost money or somehow added wrong at the end. Be careful with the next paragraph it's like a terrible SAT question, I don't want anyone to have a seizure.
Each delivery is $1.50, plus whatever tip I get. So at 10 deliveries, I should get at least $15, with no tip yet included. Now, I took at 6 credit cards, with tips added on. 2 of those had $5 tips. So that would be $25 for the night. But that's not including tips on 8 other deliveries. I normally average about $2 per tip, so that would mean I'm down about $16 dollars. But I know for a fact, that my lowest tip was $2 (in quarters, no less) and that I had 2 deliveries where I got tipped $5 in cash. So that's $35, not counting tips from 6 houses. If I then say, each of those was $2 (though they weren't), I should've made $47. So I'm now down by at least $22. And this is why I'm quitting pizza, because I'm apparently to dumb to keep the money I make. I also have this stinging feeling in my gut like when I lost $100 worth of Jeffrey Money after Christmas one year and I couldn't buy my Star Trek action figures like I wanted. Ironically, I was going to use this money to finally complete that action figure collection. Oh world, how cruel thyne are.